Our mission: transforming our way of life and economy sustainably

We support and shape society’s transformation toward a sustainable way of life and economy. Amid mounting societal challenges, the Fraunhofer-Zukunftsstiftung (Fraunhofer Future Foundation) redefined its action fields in 2020 as part of a realignment. Our funding now facilitates the development of products, services and business models that make an important contribution to resolving global challenges. Our actions are increasingly guided by the idea of sustainable development and by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our mission


Working together for tomorrow.

We are one of Germany’s major research foundations. We have been funding projects at the Fraunhofer institutes in keeping with our statutes ever since we were first founded, over ten years ago.


Supporting research together.

Solutions are urgently needed to resolve the challenges we face today. That’s why, with your support, we fund research projects for a sustainable future.



For the first time ever, CycloPlasma technology has made it possible to sustainably remove carcinogenic wood preservatives from buildings without leaving any residue behind. This method has opened up new prospects for the preservation of historical buildings in particular.



Connecting the unconnected! WiBACK is a self-sufficient directional radio technology that can provide internet service to large areas with low infrastructure needs. It is highly energy-efficient and can be operated with solar energy.



The goal of this technology is to permit recycling of construction debris on an industrial scale for the first time. The amount of energy used for the recycling process is significantly lower than in conventional methods, making it economically worthwhile.



Water-conserving crop cultivation and climate-friendly energy supply combined! This smart, practical combination of multiple robust technologies unlocks development prospects for the Global South.