Your donation will support research projects that advance the cause of sustainable development and contribute to positive change in our society. Together with you, we enable the development of innovative solutions for global challenges.
Your donation will support research projects that advance the cause of sustainable development and contribute to positive change in our society. Together with you, we enable the development of innovative solutions for global challenges.
Fraunhofer Future Foundation (Fraunhofer-Zukunftsstiftung)
Deutsche Bank AG
IBAN: DE84 7007 0010 0752 3012 00 | BIC: DEUTDEMMXXX
Intended purpose: “Donation” (or specific project title) (including your address if you would like to receive a certificate of donation)
Your donation is tax-deductible if you are paying taxes in Germany. For donations up to 300 euros, the simplified donation receipt applies: In this case, the German tax office will accept your bank statement or a printout of the online banking transaction. For donations of 300 euros or more, you will receive a donation receipt if you provide your name and full address in addition to stating the intended purpose when transferring your funds.