Our collaborations and memberships

We believe strong collaboration can achieve more than the many individual activities currently being pursued. Together, we can forge effective partnerships to support research for a future-proof society worth living in.

We believe all stakeholders involved in innovation should collaborate to drive social transformation processes, and we actively support their collaboration. In this context, the Fraunhofer Future Foundation sees its role as being an initiator and supporter.

To ensure that our engagement and the funds we employ will have the greatest possible positive impact, we continuously expand on our collaborations with scientific and research institutions, foundations, nonprofit organizations, representatives of government and public policy, and private enterprises.

We seek out:

Project partnerships
Partnerships within the framework of the projects we fund guarantee faster attainment of project goals and ensure optimum access to existing expertise and longstanding experience.

Communication partnerships
Public relations work and fundraising in a spirit of partnership contribute to greater visibility for your organization and the Fraunhofer Future Foundation and help accelerate progress toward long-term objectives.

Our collaborations and memberships

We are a member of the Association of German Foundations (Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen e. V.) and actively participate in this network.
One major commonality between us and the Hertie Foundation is the subject of crowdfunding, which we advance through shared events.
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e. V. maintains close ties with Fraunhofer and supports the board of trustees of the Fraunhofer Future Foundation.