Deputy chair

Prof. Dr. Dieter Prätzel-Wolters, Stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender der Fraunhofer Zukunftsstiftung
Prof. Dr. Dieter Prätzel-Wolters, stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender der Fraunhofer-Zukunftsstiftung. © Fraunhofer

Dieter Prätzel-Wolters

As head of the Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM), the first Fraunhofer Institute with a mathematical focus in Germany, Prof. Dr. Dieter Prätzel-Wolters played a key role in shaping this field of research. He began his scientific career in Bremen. In 1987, he took up a professorship specializing in techno-mathematics at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. This branch of mathematics was a very young discipline at the time.

Under the leadership of Dieter Prätzel-Wolters, the Fraunhofer ITWM became one of the most successful of the 72 Fraunhofer Institutes. Mathematics increasingly became a key technology that is needed in almost all industries today. It has become a driver of innovation in medical technology, the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, finance and chemistry.

In addition to setting up the Fraunhofer ITWM in Kaiserslautern, Dieter Prätzel-Wolters also headed the Scientific and Technical Council of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, a kind of representative body for all Fraunhofer Institutes. He was Chairman of the Council for over a decade. After leaving the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Dieter Prätzel-Wolters was elected to the Executive Board of the Fraunhofer Future Foundation in 2019.

Other board members and committees


Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Bullinger

Chair of the executive board

Prof. Hans-Jörg Bullinger has chaired the executive board of the Fraunhofer Future Foundation since 2020. Bullinger served as the president of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in Munich from 2002 to 2012 and as a senator of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft from 2013 until 2018.


Dr. Sandra Krey

Member of the executive board

Dr. Sandra Krey has been a member of the Fraunhofer Future Foundation's Executive Board for Finance since November 2022. She studied business administration at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and conducted research there as part of her doctorate in risk management and internal auditing.


Other committees

Board of trustees

The board of trustees makes decisions on all matters of fundamental or particular importance and advises, supports, and supervises the executive board in carrying out its duties.